
Brian Blake


027 220 8032

Daniel Newman

Deputy Chair

Glenn Murphy


Rangi Mclean


Joseph Allan


Andrew Lesa



Every month our elected members meet to talk about the Trust’s activities at Wiri Trust House, 639 Great South Rd, Manukau.

These meetings have two sessions. The first is an open forum where members of the community are welcome to attend and ask questions or give feedback to their elected members and The Trust’s senior leadership team.

This session starts at 3.30 pm on the third Monday of every month. The second session is a closed meeting for the elected members only.

Record Of Attendance

Annual Reports

The Trust recently was able to (finally) hold its 2019/20 Annual General Meeting. Due to constraints in the office of the Auditor General (largely due to covid-19) this audit has been significantly late.

Please see the commentary in the Annual report for more details.